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Are You Ready for the Great American Eclipse?

7 days, 13 hours, and 26 minutes!!! Are you ready for the upcoming TOTAL solar eclipse? We are in mid-eclipse season, and the nerd in me could not be more excited! August 7, 2017 ushered in a lunar eclipse, viewable primarily in Earth's Eastern Hemisphere. On August 21, 2017, two weeks after the lunar eclipse, the United States of America will enjoy front row seats to a total solar eclipse. The Heartland of America, the lower 48 states, will witness 90-100% total coverage of the sun by our moon. The scientific, national, and personal implications of this particular solar eclipse are profound, and regardless of which application most excites you, I hope you have your NASA-approved solar eclipse glasses ready. Safety first: read this.

This total solar eclipse, named the Great American Eclipse, will begin its path of totality in Oregon and arch southeast giving viewers in prime locations total eclipse darkness for around 2 minutes with 90 minutes of waxing and waning partials.

Not since 1918 has the USA witnessed a coast-to-coast total solar eclipse. Over 200 million Americans will view the total/partial eclipse in person with many millions more tuning in electronically.


Scientists across the nation will have the rare opportunity to study the Sun's inner corona, only visible during a total eclipse. The inner corona is where solar winds originate, where magnetic, loopy structures are anchored, and where mass ejections that affect Earth's power grids begin ( Photo credit: S. HABBAL ET AL

An amazing opportunity for scientists, no doubt. But what about you? Besides cool eye candy and scientific inquiry, how can this total solar eclipse benefit you? What can we, invested US citizens and individuals doing soul work, take away from this eclipse?

1. Shadow Work: When the Moon passes in front of the Sun, a large shadow forms. The life-giving light of the Sun is blocked. The day, as we know it, vanishes, and things flip upside down for a moment. Time stands still, and you are forced to stand in a surreal shadow. Lesson #1: What shadows in your life are surfacing? What patterns, habits, or disabling, self-destructive traits have bubbled to the forefront of your life, demanding your attention? This is the time to face this part of yourself, sit with it, give it a voice, and move through it in an empowered, positive, and forgiving way.

2. Your Identity: Since this total solar eclipse occurs in Leo over Regulus, the question of your identity surfaces. Changes and challenges in life have forced you into a battle between your ego and your evolved self. Who is winning? The challenge of Leo beckons you to integrate your need for external validation with your evolving soul self. Lesson #2: After going into the shadow, you have the opportunity to emerge with soulful direction. In order to keep your ego in check, develop the skill of taking on the perspective of a neutral observer who can step away from a situation and look at it from a 3rd party's point of view. Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book, The Four Agreements, cautions us to avoid taking things personally and to resist making assumptions if we are to indeed cultivate a life of love and happiness. There is room for personal identity transformation under the star Regulus; check out his story if you want a full understanding. At any point in time, you can transform the parts of you that do not serve your highest good. This eclipse offers energetic support as you wave the white flag, cease the inner battle, and allow your ego and evolved self to shake hands in unified purpose.

3. New Beginning: Moon crosses over Sun. Astrologically speaking, the Mother and Father unite. Have you noticed how strange it is that our Sun, 400 times the size of our beloved Moon, appears the same size as her in the sky? And on this day, August 21, the two merge and appear as one. A cosmic conception resulting in your new beginning. When you face the shit you need to deal with, you get a clean slate... a fresh start. Make peace with your past and decide what you want your tomorrows to look like. Take advantage of this very unique moment in time. White walls, bare floors... how do you want your life to look? Decide and get started!

4. Your Role in our National Identity: In the past, kings were very concerned when a total solar eclipse involved Regulus, the brightest star at the heart-center of constellation Leo, because experience and history showed a correlation between the fall of a king and a total solar eclipse involving Regulus. Some astrologers see this total solar eclipse as an incredibly important time for our country and believe big events might follow - earthquakes, tsunamis, even war. Many agree that this is President Trump's defining moment. Interestingly, this eclipse will fall on top of the moment President Trump was born, so not only will the total solar eclipse cut a trail across our country, it will also activate our ruler's natal chart. Regardless of your political affiliation, this eclipse asks us to look at our identity as a nation. It may be cliche, but by becoming the best YOU possible, we can become the best WE possible. This is a redefining time for our country, and we can help her out by taking this opportunity to redefine our own purpose on the planet.

I don't pretend to know how to fix our country's brokenness, and I don't know what the eclipse will bring exactly, but I do know I feel a shift in energy. It's palpable. Do you feel it? I know my shadows have called my name, and I am looking at them with compassion... trying to listen to the pain they share. I challenge all of us to find the spark of joy, our heartfelt passion, and follow it with consciousness.

7 days and counting! I would love to hear about your experience on August 21st. Post pictures and comments on my facebook account.

Here's to the gift of shadow and the joy of light.

Peace and love,


If you are curious what your chart says about your life lessons and challenges and your divine purpose, book a reading! It is an ancient tool offering an enlightened perspective into your shadows and your brilliance.

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