Accessing the Lion's Share: Start with You
Think of today as a starting point to prepare you for the next 4 weeks. It's a golden opportunity to ponder where you are and where you are going.
Imagine yourself curled in your fuzzy, warm bed, your mind slowly coming to awareness. You blink open and scan the room. Before you can adjust your spine, your mind is already buzzing with your list of to-do's. Take a deep breath and come back to center. Feel your way into knowing where you need to focus your time and energy. During this New Moon, your inner seeds of desire are being planted in the very powerful soil of Leo. So don't be shy... GO BIG!
With 4 planets in Leo, you will be strongly supported with extra OOOMPH! The fiery energy of Leo will help laser focus your creative juices as you step into your power. Harness the extra energy and fire buzzing in the air, and use them to expand your abilities to love yourself and others.
Since the Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars are currently in Leo, how can we best nurture our seeds of desire and set a course for major growth this month? How can we open ourselves to the lessons of Leo and access all that he can share?
Since the Moon only spends a couple of days in Leo, let's start there. The Moon, representing your emotional body and inner world, asks HOW ARE YOU SHOWING LOVE TO YOURSELF? Be honest. Are you taking time for self-care? How's the self-talk going? This New Moon offers you a fresh start to plant seeds of self-love. Let the fire of Leo burn away the pain of the past, the current hurts and frustrations, and the negative patterns of thought in which your mind engages. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let a wildfire of forgiveness burn in your heart so your tender, raw heart can have a fresh start. What walls have you built up around your heart? Let this Leo New Moon be a time you journey in and ponder what role those walls are serving. Might it be time to let them crumble? The Sun's light, God's light, wants to shine through you. By removing blocks and moving into a space of forgiveness, the light of love can penetrate your emotional body and reflect out into your world, like the Moon reflects the Sun's light.
Today, let's step into courage, a strength of Leo, and forgive someone. Forgive yourself. Compassionately remind yourself that you have made choices based on what you thought was right at the time. And repeat the following self-love mantra to yourself today:
I LOVE MYSELF. No matter how weird it seems or unnatural it feels, saying I LOVE MYSELF recalibrates your mind (Mercury). Book a reading to learn more about the awesomeness of you.
Since July 23-August 22 is a very energetic, yummy time, I'll pull from Sandra Anne Taylor's ENERGY Oracle Cards.

Such a perfect card for today. Archangel Michael steps in to support your efforts to forgive the past. He can cut you free from cords that bind you energetically to situations, people, and judgments that no longer serve you.
The First Chakra is the root of your being and is associated with survival and physicality. It is where your identity emerges from the collective. Your family, friends, and community serve as your tribe. A tribe provides security, but when our identity is prevented from authentically emerging, we are out of balance.
This card is asking you to look at the areas in your life that keep you operating from a place of insecurity and fear.
As you engage in exercises of self-love, remember that you can't please everyone. It is important and necessary to determine what your needs are and how they can best be met.