Aim North
Is there a piece of parental advice so intrinsically embedded in your DNA that it spills out of your mouth easier than sunflower seed shells on a summer day? My beautiful parents gifted me with golden nuggets of serious wisdom that I gladly pass on to the next generation. You're welcome, my children. ;)
"Leave a place better than you find it." Mom's view that wherever you go, you leave it cleaner, nicer, and better off than when you arrived is a view that ripples with sense. It didn't matter if we stayed at a location that was already really, really clean, my mom taught us to leave it better. The kitchen is already spotless? Let's shine the pots and pans. The yard looks good? What if we pull a few weeds so the grass and flowers can show off a bit more? Do *something* to leave a positive imprint.
Several people have asked me about Aim North. What does it mean? It's a play on several ideas really...
1. Aim North is a reminder to myself and others to move forward in a positive direction. To leave yourself better than you found yourself. To not settle for being "good enough." To actively seek a spiritual path that makes you want to live a shinier, happier life. It implies direction and movement. Know who you are, what you desire, and start moving (and thinking) in that direction.
2. This idea requires a bit more explanation...
There are two Nodes of the Moon, two points of intersection when the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic. The North Node falls in one sign on your natal chart, and the South Node falls in the opposite sign. The North Node represents your soul's pathway for growth. Debra Silverman calls it the shortcut to enlightenment. Linda Brady calls it your soul mission. Jan Spiller credits it for indicating our life lessons and teaching us how we can achieve fulfillment and peace. Learning about the Moon’s nodes pushed me out of the skeptic's corner. For example, my North Node in Capricorn challenges me to work on issues of personal power, self-care, efficiency, and self-respect. Areas of challenge, no doubt.
What's really amazing is the South Node indicates your default patterns. For me, I default to Cancer. If you know me, you know this is spot on. One of those default patterns is fear of rejection. Imagine how scary it is putting myself "out there" like this. But if you read yesterday's post about Georgia O'Keeffe, you know that following your heart is sometimes scary, like walking on the blade of a knife. That seems about right.
So, Aim North pays respect to the North Node. If you are interested in learning about your North and South Nodes, I can help! Schedule a reading now. It is pretty mind-blowing.
Astrology is not a religion. It is a tool, and upon learning what the nodes could offer me, sort of like massage therapy, I was hooked. Think of them as information indicating your over-developed areas and under-developed areas. It's another lens through which to view yourself. I love this quote:
North Node is the art of walking straight with intention into your spiritual purpose.
- Debra Silverman
3. Finally, yes, Aim is a play on my name. :) Amy, Ambo, Ames...
I am grateful for the wisdom of my parents, and I hope I benefit and bless the spaces and places I occupy. But more than anything, I just want to be an Amy with purpose, moving North. :)