Curveballs, Hairballs, and Scorpio

I can't decide who demonstrated more courage tonight: me by cutting my son's hair when it's been forever since I took up sheers and clippers or my son by asking. I vote son.
One haircut and a couple of floor-sweeps later, son is content and less hirsute. No longer wrestling with attachment combs, I'm wrestling with a conversation the two of us had earlier today and marveling how a haircut can unfold a lesson and an answer.
The conversation, while wildly deep and meaningful, centered on a very human theme: why does life throw curveballs when we barely have grip of the bat?
I shouldn't dabble in baseball metaphors for I know less about baseball than I do cosmotology, but I'm 99.3% sure I know what a curveball is... and I know to hit one when ill-prepared isn't probable. Same with life... It's challenging when life-altering events flip our world Up.SiDe.DoWn.
My attempts, during the conversation, to explain that yes, shite happens, but those moments are tempered by the joys and blessings of life blah blah blah fell a little flat. Ok, really flat. My words failed because I didn't honor the feelings present. I tried to fix his pain with rational words... not cool, mom.
Since the Moon, representative of our emotional innerworld, has moved into Scorpio, the deep underworld, it's a good time to ponder the shadow side of self and of life.
Life is HARD. Childhood wounds, trauma, betrayals, loss of loved ones, money struggles, job issues, broken pipes, broken bones, broken hearts... all royally suck. Scorpio, one of 3 water signs, energizes you access your hidden places, the secrets you protect, your deepest hurts, and your darkest shadows... your repressed anger over X, Y, and Z happening to you. Scorpio demands that dark places be engaged so healing can take place. Not in a rational, mom-your-logic-fixed-it way but in a PLEASE SIT WITH YOUR PAIN, YOUR SECRETS, YOUR SHADOWS AND LET THEM BE way. Feel them. Look at them, Let the tears and sadness wash over you like a waterfall of truth. And honor what is.
Within the first minute of my son's haircut, I made the mistake of clipping a one-inch zigzag that was waaaay too close to his scalp. D@ngulD@rgunCrapol@! What started as high hopes looked like a lost cause. In order to repair the oops, several things were required:
1. I had to brush off the already trimmed hair obscuring my view. I couldn't address the damaged zone until I dealt with the surface mess .
2. I asked my son to lift and tilt his head. Getting a closer perspective of the area allowed me to get a fresh viewpoint of the damage.
3. I had to get honest. I told him what happened. No hiding it. No lying about it.
4. I asked him to walk outside and stand under the sunlight. I couldn't plan a "repair" strategy until I had a little help from the sun to illuminate the shadows and angles of the hairline.
Ten minutes later, all done. Whew! I'm grateful his hair turned out OK and even more grateful for two special moments with my son in one day! I hit a homerun with that boy. :)
Haircuts and baseball aside. What about you?
What stories have you told yourself that obscure an honest view of your innerworld? What rubbish do you need to brush aside so you can compassionately deal with you?
How can you gain perspective on the situation? Is it time to try a new viewpoint?
Where do you need to get honest with yourself? Where are you in self-destruct mode? Control freak mode? What secrets and shadows are begging to be freed?
Have Leo's courage to move into the light and trust that Divine Love has your back.
Schedule a reading to dive deeper into your depths. Here's to a great week. Peace, love, and Cracker Jacks!
* Photo credit goes to