Validation Time, Come On!

Where do you fall on the scale of needing validation from others?
1 2 3 4 5
I don't require Please like me!
validation from Please love me!
another person Do you approve of me?
to know my value Notice what I'm
and worth. doing for you!
Recall a time when someone misunderstood you. How hard did you work to get him/her to see your point? Have you been turned down or rejected by someone you cared about? Did the job go to someone else? Have you been ignored or not invited to an event you wanted to attend? A gift you carefully selected received a less-than-wow reaction. Facebook defriending, child not calling on a special day, birthday ignored, new hairstyle unnoticed, a curt comment from a family member, etc.
To be human is to experience such moments, but I think it's interesting to dig into our responses to them. The more our self-worth derives from a divine inner space, the more balanced we are in responding to situations that might otherwise deflate us or tempt us to enter into anger or resentment.
"What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people." - Dr. Wayne Dyer
You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story & hustle for your worthiness. - Brené Brown
These quotes resonate big time. Having spent the better part of my life hovering around a 4 on the scale, I appreciate the lesson of Leo. Through important life lessons and experiences (and entering my 40s), I have been able to establish inner value and decrease my dependence on external validation. My scale number has decreased as my self-compassion and understanding has increased. I really really like walking inside my story.
From July 23 - August 22, Leo is King, and he begs this topic be explored as the theme of attention and approval is integral to his development. If you operate from the ego of Leo, you remain stuck in needing attention, approval, and validation from external sources.
The highroad of Leo is operating from the soulful expression of a creative & service-centered vitality WITH THE ABILITY to weather rejection and criticism. Easier said than done sometimes, but becoming aware of our reactions and responses to such situations is the first step.
The next time you feel deflated or rejected, ask yourself where the pain is coming from. Maybe there are other issues bubbling up in you. It's always a good time to get honest with yourself, and with the buzz of Leo's courageous energy in the air, you can bravely walk inside your story and own it.
Schedule a reading to gain insight into your story.