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I’m a little bit country
And I’m a little bit rock 'n roll
I’m a little bit of Memphis and Nashville
With a little bit of Motown in my soul

I don’t know if it’s good or bad
But I know I love it so
I’m a little bit country
And I’m a little bit rock n roll


Donny & Marie popularized this song 3 years after my birth, and it speaks to my own inner polarity of being a little bit traditional and a little bit woo-woo. My feet enjoy rooting down in earthy dirt, but my spirit must be free to explore the cosmos.  

About Amy



The family arse. When I was a young girl, I often felt like an oddball. I had little tolerance for superficial BS. I preferred a tight bond with a bestie over wild parties in the caliche pits of West Texas. My mom tells me I hid out in my room with books. Another favorite escape was climbing our cinder-block fence so I could jump onto the garage roof. Once there, I would lay out under the stars and pray. I felt most connected to God when I was vulnerable beneath the glittery Milky Way.

I was a bossy big sister to my brother. Sorry, Chip. I didn’t realize what a cool human I was dealing with, but I gained mad skills that facilitated my interest in becoming a teacher. Secretly, I always wanted to be an astronomer or paleontologist, but I didn’t think I was smart enough. Teaching was my comfort zone.

One hard-earned bachelor’s degree,  a shot-gun wedding ring,  one toddler, one baby, and one pregnant belly later (all boys), I started teaching. Those were rough years, but I learned that it takes more than guilt-laden determination to hold a marriage together and more than a scope-and-sequence to make a true difference in a student’s life.

Over the past 21 years in public education, I have used my platform as a teacher to challenge students to see their own greatness.  Developing the mind, heart, and confidence of my students in creative, fun, and challenging ways makes my day job a joy.

But my PRIMARY life purpose is to attend to the spirit of the people in my life be it at school, at home, in the line at Walmart, or with a client.

If you’ve read my blog, “Flirt Confession,” you know that my initial skeptical curiosity of Astrology (heavy on the skeptic) blossomed into a tool that cultivated my own missing self-compassion and and now allows me to serve others.  My formal studies in Astrology as well as countless book studies have only whetted my appetite. Like Astrology, Tarot is a tool that I am dedicated to using with respect, openness, and awe. More importantly, my experience in serving clients has shown me time and again that these tools are shockingly accurate in providing insight, encouragement, and guidance as you make your way along life's path and ascend to your highest, best self. 

My life has certainly had its share of change, but I’m grateful that I can still crawl inside a good book and sprawl beneath a diamond-dusted sky.

I am grateful for the gift of Astrology and the opportunity to use it to bring self-awareness and compassion into the lives of others!

                                                Interested in booking a reading? Contact Amy







Debra Silverman Applied Astrology I & II                                

CEO Astrology Certification         

IAHT Membership                

Keplar College's Unlocking Tarot's Secrets with Donna Woodwell.

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