The Hero's Journey
Have you read The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell? If you have, please comment, and let me know your experience with it. Apparently, it explains the origins and power of myths in their historical context and describes how universal symbols like archetypes, from a psychological perspective, are being brought into revived awareness.
I have not read it, but after hearing Robert Holden explain its significance and personal application today, I am excited to get my hands on a copy. Campbell, in the book's introduction, summarized the journey in the following way: A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.
BTW, boons are blessings, rewards, or favors.
The hero's journey is broken up into three phases:
1. Departure
2. Initiation
3. Return
Each hero leaves the familiar, undergoes internal and external challenges, comes to a point of surrender through trust in a greater power, and returns transformed with an elevated purpose. It is a common journey, one that heroes across literary history have experienced.

My favorite mythical creature is the Phoenix, a stunning ancient symbol of transformation and rebirth. Like the Phoenix, the mythical hero emerges from a personal test of fire, able to walk between two worlds with a freed state of awareness.
Do any such mythical stories come to mind? Which characters emerge as heroes after having experienced the journey trifecta?
Alice in Wonderland
Luke Skywalker Diana Prince Frodo Baggins
Harry Potter
Katniss Everdeen
Jean Valjean
The list of mythical heroes is long. Bet you've added several names to it already. I propose there is a very important (non-fiction) hero missing from the list:
My understanding of the human experience is we are all destined to experience this journey. You are the hero of your own life, and you are currently in one of the 3 phases of the hero's journey. You may be holding on, white-knuckled, to the familiar, afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You may be in the middle of Act II, facing the shadows and deepening your connection with the Divine. Or maybe you are rising from the ashes, coming home to yourself with renewed purpose and fortified faith.
I know where I am. Where are you?
Let me know if you've read this book and which character/s you would add to the list... maybe even where you are on the journey. Would love to hear from you. Schedule a reading to understand the mysteries of you and your unique journey.
May you be blessed with boons aplenty!